
18, 19 and 20th centuries will be covered during this lexture.

Periods in English Literary History

Elizabethian Period nearly from 1550 until nearly 1600s(Renassaince, Shakepeare`s time)

Jacobean Period (Carloline + Commonwealth) from around 1600 until 1660.

Reastoration period:1660- nearly 1700

18th century (Augustan period) from nearly 1700 until nearly 1780s. This is the hight time of English literary history.

Romantic period. from around 1780 until around 1830.

Victorian Period. 19th century. From around 1830 until around 1900.

20th century: Modernism: Until the second world war.

Postmodernism: from 1950 or 1960s until now.

Wewill have a look at tastes, styles and preferance in certain genres and in certain poets.

Remember the dates as approximation.

Michel Foucault   called cultural characterists episteme. Certain tastes prevailed and were popular. Writing of any period is completely uniform.


To understand the 18th century, we should look at 1688. Stuarts were thrown out. William III of Orange/ Mary ascended. Stuarts were catholics. From 1688 on, Britain became constitutional monarchy. King is no longer the absolute ruler. King cannot rule without parliament. Parliament can rule taxes, etc.

1707: Act of Union. England and Scotland. Before then James I became king, but countries hadn`t united.

1714: Hannovarian Dynasty. (George I) Protestand succession ensured cencorship lasted until 1967.

1759: General Wolfe captures Quebec and expells the French people from Canada. 

1773: Boston Tea Party. No taxation without representation.

1787: First fleet with convicts sails for Australia.

Our modern understanding of the world was created by the French revolution. In the 18th century you were born in a particular society. Basically, no revolutionary changes in society happened. There was no industrialisation. England was full of villages. They were very often far away from one another. Roads and transportation were terrible. There was only one metropol.

In the 18th century, Ireland was regarded as a colony. Many poor people emmigrated to the colonies. Millions could be made in transatlantic trade. England was a leading agent in the slave trade. System was top hierarchical.

Before the industrial revolution:

Higher aristocracy

lower arsitocracy---gentry

middle class----shoemakers, grocers,shopkeepers

lower class-----working class, lived in the houses of the masters

criminal class-----highway men, thieves, prostitutes.

The low was extremely strict and severe. You could be hanged for stealing a handkerchief.

Capitalist system really established itself in the 18th century.

Dissenters: Protestants who don`t belong to the church of England. You couldn`t sit in parliament when you are a dissenter.

Anglican members of the church of England could go to these schools.

Dissenters had their own schools. Their schools were more modern. They taught Maths. As they travelled they needed Maths. Poor people had education on sunday schools.

sensibility: emotionally, easily affected. Have a soft heart.

wings: liberals, town party

Torries: conservatives, rural party.

God created the world. God gave the world his laws. God created the nature. Ballance between emotions and reason. Reason must be in control. 

Nature makes the laws that God has given to world. Literature must say general truth, involving generalization and idealization. Literature includes usual common people and avarage activities.

It leaves out what is unusual and points out common things. Nature is always described in connection with man. Normal, usual nature is in connection with man. Not wild nature. Wild nature is the part of civilization. 

Gainsborough: 18th century art.

Hogarth: Rake`s Progress & Gin Lane.

Satirical art showing the problems of the society. Satire was allowed. Literature was to express general truth. Originality was a romantic concept. There was no aim for originality in the 18th century. Emphasis was on reason, not on emotion.