
Pilgrims and Puritans
Explains the differences between these two groups.
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We will talk about puritanism. It is page 4 in the book.

Puritanism finished at the end of 17th century. James Town was a male colony. For that reason homosexualism was illegal. There was capital punishmet  in the James Town. Some of the colonists escaped to Indians, because they had enough food and women.

In 1619, Virginia Company sent a ship with women. For the first time women were in James Town. Who gave more tobaccos got the women.

In 1620 Dutch ship, whose name is Jesus, landed African slaves. Beginning of the slavery in James Town is 1620.

In 1649, King Charles the I was killed by Oliver Cromwell.

1660 : Restoration of the Stuarts to the throne.

The Puritans were called ´Puritans` by their enemies. They were calling themselves saints among each other. Puritans bleieve in purification in the tastements and in the old testament. That is why, they are called puritans.

                                    18th Century

1714: House of the Hannover. (Since 1917 Windsor).

George I could not speak English. He could speak German. Prime Minister was established, because the King could not speak English.

After George I, George II and then George III come successively.

A lot of Puritans lost their property in the UK. That is why they left the UK.

They protest all the codes in the church. That is why they are called black. In fact they are not black. For more information from internet please click here

Suddenly the teacher began to speak about calvinists. The founder of Calvinism, who is John Calvin, lived between 1509 and 1564.

Calvinists: Predestination of the elect. Teacher spoke about calvinits, because calvinits in England eventually became known as puritans, and migrated to Plymouth colony in 1620. For more information which will be very useful for you please click here

In Puritanism you watch. If someone is drunken, then he cannot be a saint. There is a social mechanism of excluding suspicious people. It affected the US politics. It is US. We are elected by the God.

In Puritanism, when a puritan has an experience he should speak to the others. Hey Jesus spoke to me. The members of that belief are saints, and others against them are strangers.

Puritans left Holland in 1620, because their kids were learning Dutch.

They were in Leyden in Holland. They could not go to southern Virginia as they left Holland, because in such a case,  women would be sold as slaves. Remember that in James Town colony there were no women. Who gave more tobacco could take the women. They had to go to New Virginia, to New England.

Second reason why Puritans left Holland was the Spainish attacks against Holland. In 1621 Spaniards got southern Holland and catholisized it.It is called Belgium today. Belgium got his independence from Holland in 1830, but the seperation starts in 1621 by the Spanish invasion.

During this course, do not confuse the term plantation please. Platation is a term for settlement. It is not a term for where you grow plants.

In the reader on page 5.

Pilgrim fathers are iconic founding groups. Pilgrim fathers celebrate thanks giving, harvest feast. Pilgrim fathers came to May Flower and they were all men. Puritans and Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers are not the same groups. To get rid of confusion do please read this websites. Click here

and then click here. Also these are also useful websites. Click here

On page 6 in the reader.  Suddenly we began to talk about Harward college, because Harward college was founded by Pilgrims. During its early years, the College offered a classic academic course based on the English university model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists.Harward College was built after John  Harward. For more information please click here

There was no alcohol, no sex, no bear at the college. For another website which can give information about Harvard, please click here

Do please read these websites as well about puritans and pilgrims

click here   and then click here

A jump from topic to another: Puritan couples can divorce, however catholic and anglican church member of couples have problems.

Puritans closed theatres. Theatres are entertainment places. The other reason why they closed the theatres was that they were Anglican places.

Theatres were believed to be the house of prostitution. 

Mayflower Compact 1620

120 people and most of them were puritans. On the Dutch sheep whose name was Mayflower the compact was signed between saints and strangers.

Puritans were against the King.

Oxford supported the King Charles I. Charles I escpaed to Oxford.

Cambridge was puritan. Antiroyalist Oliver Cromwell and John Milton went to Cambridge.

There is no American Parliament. There is congress. Parliament exist in monarch. King says Okay, let`s give them a parliament where they can parlare(talk).

In the congress, you stand on a stump so that other people at the back can see you. Now the word stamp is used as a verb as well. Obama stumping  in Washington. 

Platform is for discussions. platform from oxford,  platform  from Cambridge.

Puritans believed in mission of community building. It means: We are chosen by the God, we liberate. 

Maryland the third colony was named after Charles I`s wife Queen Henrietta Maria. Maryland was catholic.

In the North puritans

In the middle Maryland

In the South  Royalists

Puritans came from Midlands

Pennsylvania was given to Quakers by Charles II, because the king wanted to get rid of them. The meaning of Quakers is society of friends. William Pen was their leader. For more information please click here

Benjamin Fraklin is on the U.S. 100$ bill. He was a quaker.

Quakers: If they saw a prostitute, they don`t regard her bad. They say we should reeducate her. Or if they see someone crazy, they put him in the lunatic asylum. For more information please click here